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Certified Pastoral Counselor

Upon verification of documentation and payment of a fee not to exceed $150, as set by board rule, plus the actual applicant package cost to the agency for the administration of the exam:

(a) Has made application there for and paid the appropriate fee.

(b) Has earned at least a master’s degree from a Seminary, Bible College, or University in Theology or related fields, or has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Theology or related fields plus at least ten years of ministerial experiences.

c). A minimum of 3 semester hours or 4 quarter hours of graduate-level coursework in legal, ethical, and professional standards issues in the practice of Christian Counseling, which includes goals, objectives, and practices of Christian Counseling organizations, codes of ethics, legal considerations, standards of preparation, certifications and licensing, and the role identity and professional obligations of Christian counselors. Courses in research, thesis or dissertation work, practicum, internships, or fieldwork may not be applied toward this requirement.